Brittany's Wedding

Bridal Bouquet
Pure White Roses
stem wrapped in black satin ribbon

Bridemaid's Bouquets

Each bouquet had white roses
 with white mini spray roses
stem wrapped in black satin ribbon 


Triple white rose pin-on corsages with black bows
Notice that I added some black tulle and pearls 


Single white rose boutonniere
 with a black ribbon tuft 

Camille's Wedding

4 wrist corsages
2 pin-on corsages
and 6 boutonnieres

Single eggplant mini calla lily
with light purple alstromeria
 and a lavender tuft 

Single eggplant mini calla lily
with light purple alstromeria
 and a lavender tuft
I also added some lavender tulle with lavender pearls

Homecoming Dance

Wrist Corsages
Notice the white feather 
Triple Red Rose Wristlet Corsage
with white daisy's and a white and silver bow
Ordered to go with a grey prom dress 

Yellow with Orange tipped triple rose wristlet corsage
with white daisy's and a navy blue bow to match
the navy blue prom dress
I also added some pearls 

White triple rose wristlet corsage
with pink alstromeria and a pink/purple bow to match
 a fushia pink prom dress
I also added some pearls 

White rose boutonniere
 with a pink alstromeria and a pink/purple tuft
The corsage pictured above is it's pair 

Single white rose boutonniere
with white daisies
 and a black and turqoise blue tuft 
to match a black and turqoise blue prom dress

Single white boutonniere
 with a white daisy
 and a black and silver tuft 
Notice the extra black tulle and pearls I added 

This is a similar single rose boutonniere with a sky blue tuft
instead of a black and silver one like the boutonniere above