Bridal Bouquet
Pink Peony's, Bright Pink Garden Roses, Bright Pink Spray Roses, Coral Pink Roses, Pink Alstromeria, leather leaf, stem tied with Burlap and twine.
Bridesmaids Bouquets
Tangerine Alstromeria stem tied with burlap and twine
Throw Bouquet
Pink and Tangerine Alstromeria stem tied with burlap and twine
Tangerine Alstromeria with Leather leaf, and a Tangerine tuft
Grooms Boutonniere: Pink Alstromeria, Pink Spray roses
Leather leaf, and pink ribbon tuft
Tangerine Alstromeria with tangerine ribbon and leather leaf
Wristlet Corsages
With tangerine Alstromeria and tangerine ribbon, burlap and twine