Shelby's Bridal Bouquet

 Bridal Bouquet
 Traditional Red Roses
stem tied with teal ribbon, and white lace


Katie's Bridal Bouquet

 Bright Colored Bridal Bouquet
With lime Green and bright Royal Blue Gerbera Daisy's, Orange Hybrid Lily's, and Hot pink Roses with a touch of Yellow.  Hand Tied with a hot pink Ribbon

Hot Pink Rose Boutonniere to match with a hot pink ribbon tuft
*thanks Kate! 
To order your Wedding flowers... visit the Bridal page HERE

Savanah's Red Rose Bridal Bouquet


Red Rose Bridal Bouquet
made for the bridal portraits
with a beautiful jewel broach and some shimmery bling
stem tied with silver sparkly ribbon

Homecoming 2013

Boutonniere and Corsage Couples Set
White Rose Boutonniere with Dark Purple and Silver Ribbon tuft
White Spray Rose Wristlet Corsage with Dark Purple and Silver Ribbons and Dried Dark Purple Seeded Eucalyptus with flower jewels accent

White Rose Boutonniere
with Black and White diamond ribbon tuft and black ribbon stem wrapped
with pearl and jewels accent
White Rose boutonniere with eggplant ribbon and clear pearls accent

Purple Daisy Wristlet Corsage with Purple status and Silver glittery ribbons with flower jewels in the centers of the daisy's

 Bright Pink Rose Boutonniere with pink jewels and black and silver ribbon tuft
 Couples Set:  Corsage and boutonniere with full size bright Pink Roses with pink jewels accent and black and silver ribbons
 Wristlet Corsage with white spray roses, teal, silver and royal blue ribbons, royal blue feathers, and flower jewels

 Couple set:
Boutonniere:  hot pink spray roses with black tulle, ribbon, and silver glittery ribbon
Wristlet Corsage:  hot pink Spray roses with black tulle, ribbon, and glittery silver ribbon with a jewel

Cream rose boutonniere with red feather, black ribbon, silver glittery ribbon, and red jewels

*To Order Your Dance Flowers Email me at:
or TEXT/ call  me @ #801-528-2547

Back to School!

Its Now Back to School! And time for fun, friends, and Dancing!
Homecoming is coming soon!
Time to order for your homecoming dance boutonniere's and corsage's
Check out this link HERE for info
Call/TEXT or email orders:  #801-528-2547
*Ask me how you could get your dance flowers for less cost or possibly even FREE!

Shanna's Pink Passion

Bridal Bouquet
 Blue/Gray Succulents, Blue/gray leaves, Pink Gerbs, Carnations, Spray Roses, Peach Pixie Carnations, Baby's Breath and other mixed wild flowers Stemmed tied with Gray Ribbon, Lace, and accented with Pearls



 Bridesmaids Bouquets
 Pink Alstromeria with baby's breath Stem tied with gray ribbon and lace with pearls
Pink Alstromeria with baby's breath and blue/gray leaves with gray ribbon tufts
Pink Alstromeria with baby's breath, blue/gray leaves, and gray ribbon bows
Table Arrangements
Different size vases all filled full with baby's breath and pink Alstromeria
*Pay no attention to all my supplies all over the counter as well ;)

The flowers wrapped up in the cellophane are to put on top of her cake.  It's some stems of pink Alstromeria and baby's breath
Thank-You Shanna!